Welcome Spellbound Society Newsletter Member

I'm so happy that your here!!!

If you missed one of my newsletters with a FREE printable,

you can find them all below. Blessings Rachel

(for your personal use ONLY)

Grimoire Page Herbs for Boundaries and Protection

In Irish, Celtic, Cornish and British folklore, herbs weren't just used in the kitchen, they were widely used in magick for protection and boundary setting.

Download Grimoire Page Herbs for Boundaries and Protection.

Victorian Puzzle Purse Card

The Victorian Puzzle Purse Card, with it's hidden message and unfolding layers, is a charming way to send a unique and sentimental greeting this Valentine's Day.


Download Puzzle Card FREEBIE

Monthly Moon Magic

To help you with your monthly Moon Magic, I have written and hand-illustrated Grimoire pages for February for you to set your intentions and wishes for the month.

Download Februarys Moon Pages

Hedge Riding Card Reading Spread

Divination and Card reading is an important part of my Witchcraft. This spread, the Hedge Riding Spread, is intended to help you ask your ancestors and guides for wisdom that can help you at the time of this reading.

Download Card Reading Spread FREEBIE

Monthly Moon Magic

To help you with your monthly Moon Magic, I have written and hand-illustrated Grimoire pages for January for you to set your intentions and wishes for the month.

Download Intentions and wishes FREEBIE

January Full Moon

Full Moon in Cancer

The Moon is deeply revered in witchcraft, weaving magic through it's phases, influencing our spiritual practices. Each phase offers unique energies for spellcasting, journaling and divination.

Download January Full Moon FREEBIE

January New Moon

New Moon in Aquarius

Each month, witches work with the energy of the Full Moon - that brings abundant energy, and the New Moon - that allows for intention setting.

Download January New Moon FREEBIE

Unlocking the Secrets of Color Magic

Color magic, at its core, is a practice rooted in the belief that the colors surrounding us are not mere coincidences but are imbued with deep spiritual and magical properties.


Download Colour Magick FREEBIE

Spell Record Page

Create your own Witch spells and keep a record of them using my Spell Page, a free printable that is perfect for your grimoire. I created this page just for my Spellbound Society newsletter subscribers.

Download Spell Page FREEBIE

Mushroom Gift Tags

To help with gift giving, this week I decided to create some woodland witch aesthetic gift tags.

Download Mushroom Tags FREEBIE

Lucky Dragon Abundance Spell Jar

Dragons are considered omens of luck and good fortune. Many civilizations believe them to be harbingers of wealth and abundance. The little dragon I have drawn is a Celtic dragon, looking after your wealth and wishes. 


Download Intention Notes FREEBIE

Interview your Tarot Cards and Oracle Cards

Whenever I find a new deck, I love doing a new deck interview reading and adding this reading to my grimoire.

It's a great way to get to know your new card deck.


Download Deck Interview FREEBIE

How to use a Ouija board

Let us delve into the mystical realm of spirit guidance with the Ouija board, a tool that has fascinated and intrigued practitioners for centuries. In the verdant embrace of nature, we will explore the art of using a Ouija board in a Green Witch style.


Download Invitation FREEBIE

Fairy Rings in Celtic Lore

My favorite childhood stories always had an entry into a magical world. A tree, a torch, or a magical doorway. Mushroom circles carry warnings that if stepped into you may enter a fairy portal and never be able to leave. Yet it is also a place of magical possibilities, a way to enter a world of enchantment.


Download Mushroom Grimoire Page FREEBIES

Morning Ritual

A morning ritual can set the tone for a positive and magical day ahead.


Download Card of the day FREEBIE